Stopping Forced Labor Policy

PrecisionX Group Code of Conduct: Policy Against Forced Labor, Child Labor, and Modern Slavery

At PrecisionX Group and its subsidiaries, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations and supply chain. We have zero tolerance for forced labor, child labor, and modern slavery, and we actively work to ensure that these practices have no place in our business or that of our partners.

Key Principles

  1. Prohibition of Forced Labor:
    • We strictly prohibit the use of any form of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor within our operations or supply chain. All work must be performed voluntarily, with workers having the freedom to leave their employment in accordance with applicable laws and contracts.
  2. Prohibition of Child Labor:
    • PrecisionX Group does not employ individuals under the minimum legal working age in any jurisdiction where we operate. Suppliers must comply with the International Labour Organization’s standards on child labor and ensure all workers meet legal age requirements.
  3. Prevention of Modern Slavery:
    • We oppose all forms of modern slavery, including human trafficking and servitude. All suppliers, contractors, and business partners are required to ensure that these practices do not occur within their operations.
  4. Supplier Responsibility:
    • All suppliers must comply with our Code of Conduct and provide evidence, upon request, of measures taken to prevent forced labor, child labor, and modern slavery. We conduct regular risk assessments and reserve the right to audit our suppliers to ensure compliance.
  5. Fair Employment Practices:
    • Workers must be employed under fair and legal conditions, including appropriate wages, hours, and working conditions, in line with local and international labor laws.
  6. Training and Awareness:
    • PrecisionX Group provides training and resources to our employees and partners to raise awareness about forced labor, child labor, and modern slavery.
  7. Reporting Violations:
    • Any suspected violations of this policy must be reported immediately. We have a zero-retaliation policy for employees or stakeholders who report concerns in good faith.
  8. Continuous Improvement:
    • We regularly review and improve our policies and practices to ensure we maintain the highest ethical standards and compliance with global regulations.


PrecisionX Group and its subsidiaries are dedicated to fostering a culture of responsibility, transparency, and respect for human rights. Non-compliance with this policy will result in corrective actions, up to and including termination of business relationships.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, we affirm our commitment to a fair, ethical, and sustainable future for all.